Thursday, March 9, 2017

Blizzardish Weather / Ministry Opportunity

   As many of you know, my sister, Hosanna, does chalk art drawings. On Tuesday, Hosanna did a chalk talk at a Senior Housing place in a town near us. She drew, Dad shared a message with the gospel, and I played piano before as a prelude, and after as 'background music' during their coffee and snack time.

The chalk talk, was about Jesus calming the storm. It was really neat because during the 'storm' that Dad was talking about, Hosanna had waves all over the sea, but as soon as Dad talked about the calming of the storm, she made it calm really fast!

As I said above, I played piano.

And on the way to and from the place, this is what it looked like out of the windshield. It was REALLY windy!! Anyways, it was an awesome opportunity to minister to the elderly even if the storm outside didn't get calmed like the one inside!


  1. That's a really neat chalk drawing!!
    Looks really cold up there. :I

    1. Yes, Joanna, it has been really cold these last few days! I don't mind except that I was just getting used to warmer weather and now it's turned cold again and I haven't adjusted yet!


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