Sunday, April 28, 2019

Northland Camp and A.C.E.

As many of you know, I've spent the last two summers working at Northland Bible Camp, and this summer I'll also be helping out for a few weeks.
  This past week and a half, I've been volunteering at Northland with an AWESOME group for the A.C.E. regional convention which I also competed in as a high-schooler. Which is why I'm late with this weeks post, because I've been out of town, and haven't had the greatest wifi connections.

 Over these two summers at Northland, I've seen God do things I would have never imagined possible.
I'll be honest, camp is hard. But I would NEVER trade the experiences I've had. For every dark night, there was a glorious sunrise. For every storm, there was a rainbow. And the darker the struggle, the more amazing the victory felt. I was able to watch God use our team of staff to lead people to Christ. I've had to leave my comfort zone, but it's ALWAYS been worth it.

Everyone should spend at least one summer working at a Bible camp. Now, I know that many of you are unable to commit for a summer of camp, and that's okay. I don't ever want to encourage you to be somewhere where God doesn't want you. If God doesn't want you at Northland, then I don't want you there either. But what I do want, is for you to pray for Northland. Pray that God will continue to bless the work there. Pray about becoming a summer staffer. There are always needs for maintenance help, kitchen help, counselors, housekeeping help, and many other areas. If you don't have plans for the summer, consider helping Northland. There will be tough days, days you feel like quitting, but you won't regret it. When you step out in faith, you'll see God doing things that you never imagined, and Northland is an AMAZING place to see God work.

Not only are the facilities amazing, the team is great to work with. Yes, the staff is human, and we make mistakes, there's going to be times when you get irritated, but God doesn't give us challenges without a reason. When you embrace the challenges, God can use them to change you to be more like Jesus.

Not only have these past two summers been the hardest and BEST summers of my life, I've grown closer to God because of them. I've gotten to do MANY cool things I'd never done before . . . like be in a dunk tank, belay, zipline, counsel, and dozens more fun things!

So, if you don't have plans this summer, pray about Northland. I'd love to see you there this summer!!!!!

  I know you've seen a lot of pictures from Northland in the past, but I just want to re-share a few.

We have AWESOME teams at Northland!!!!

 But the best part, is that we're really all part of one team. We're all there to glorify God, and every week at the testimony campfire, we can sit back and be amazed at what God has done through us, and at times, in spite of us.

And of course, there's always lots of fun work!

Wacky Wednesday is awesome, because not only is it fun, it's a neat way to get the 'non-participating' campers to relax around us, and be more open to listening to God's Word.

And the memories will last forever!

Come see me at Northland Camp!!!!!

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