Sunday, July 29, 2018

God Won!!!

  So, God ALWAYS wins, but this week, I saw it in a whole new way. We had a lot of unsaved campers, and I'd never felt Satan working so hard to hinder our ministry, but looking back, it was the greatest week of the summer so far. MANY young people came to know Christ, and many others were able to deal with some sin in their lives and get committed. Praise God!!!! And thank you for your prayers.

Thinks have been going well in the camp store, where I spend the afternoons. It's kind of a 'hang out' place and I enjoy watching people visiting and enjoying themselves.

On Team Spirit day, I decked out in green and got caught on camera with my stash of pop! JK, I was restocking the store. :D 

Although she's on the other side of camp, Hosanna still stops in the store once in a while, and she also happens to be on the green team.

It was GREAT to have my 'Brother' volunteering for a few weeks. It was a HUGE encouragement to me, and most all the staff. If you get the opportunity, encourage someone this week. You have NO IDEA how much that can mean to them. And if you don't get the opportunity, MAKE the opportunity.

So . . . WACKY Wednesday is  . . . well, it's WACKY!!!!! 

I looked across the dining hall and saw this hair-do . . . Are we even related???

Then there was the staff party.

So, all in all, it was a GREAT week!!!!! Please keep praying, as we only have a few weeks left. It's been AWESOME to see how God's been working in campers' lives, the staff's lives, and my life. Take the time to encourage someone today!


  1. Just got a chance to look at your blog...Glad to see you all look well!

  2. It was so awesome to get to go to camp and work in the kitchen and help minister to the other staff. I thank God for the MANY opportunities I had even just working in the kitchen to see one staff person here or there who just needed a little "cheering up":) I felt like us kitchen staff had our own little minestery right there on campus.


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