Monday, September 19, 2016

The Adventure of a Lifetime!!!!

 As of last week, I have a publisher!!!!!

     Depending on what you know about the publishing industry, you probably are either really excited for me, or you're not sure what the big deal is. I mean haven't I already been published? The answer is yes, I've been self-published, but no, I've never been traditionally published.

     This is a huge adventure in my writing life, and a miracle from God. Thank you to everyone who's been praying for me as I was going through the writing and submitting the manuscript process. I want to ask that you continue to pray for me while I work with my publisher. Specifically, I would like you to pray for two things. 1. That I'll grow through this experience and become more like Jesus through it all. 2. That I'll be a blessing to my publisher and the whole team there at the publishing house.

      As some of you know, I submitted my manuscript, Never Leave Me, to a few publishing houses back when I first completed that book. In return, I got some nice rejection letters to start my collection. Since then, I've pretty much been content with self-publishing. However, when I started writing Mission of a Lifetime, I felt like God wanted me to do something more with this one. I decided to submit it to some publishers, but I honestly didn't expect to get anything besides rejection letters. God moves in mysterious ways and He is the one who worked in this situation and allowed my manuscript to be accepted by Ambassador International Publishing House!

   Thank you again to all who prayed for me! Please continue to pray for me as God leads me on an adventure of a lifetime.

Here I am signing my contract!!!!

Until next time, this is Priscilla J. Krahn reminding you to stay thankful in EVERYTHING and for EVERYTHING!!!!!


  1. Yea!! Soooo excited for you Priscilla!!!
    I will continue to pray for you.
    P.S. Can't wait to read your book!! :)

  2. WOHOOO!!! I'll keep praying for you! :) :) :)

  3. Wow, that's a really great accomplishment. God has blessed. Keep writing for Him and His glory. Uncle Bruce

  4. Thanks for the comments and encouragement everyone! I really appreciate it!


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