January/February has been a busy time filled with work, fun, and adventures.
Somehow, when I'm babysitting, I always end up with some crazy selfies with at least one of the kids!
And while you can't see it on the picture, we had a great time painting nails together!
Then, I got a new cart for book conventions, and it turns out it's pretty fun to surf around the house on it!

I got to go curling for the first time! For living in Minnesota all my life, with all my Canadian neighbors, you'd think I'd have played it before, but nope, it was my first time! No, I wasn't great at it, but it was a ton of fun! Definitely more fun to play than watch!

It was a learning curve, and my first few tries weren't phenomenal, but I got the hang of it faster than I thought I would. And I got a few cool bruises out of it too.

Then, one of my sisters-in-law sent me a recipe for homemade milk bubble tea.

Making the bubbles was way easier than I thought it would be, and I'm looking forward to making them again, and experimenting with different flavors.

I love our church, and how encouraging everyone is! Just this past week, I walked into the parking lot, and found this very creative bouquet that a talented crafter put together for me!

I went to the ND Homeschool convention, and loved getting to meet up with all my friends in Bismarck!

Turns out, the other day was National Minnesota Day! I didn't know this until one of my publishers did a highlight for their Minnesota Authors, and I saw this on their webpage!

RS. What do those letters mean?
A few weeks ago, at the ND homeschool convention, I had the opportunity to chat with a fan, who told me Freedom's Captive was her favorite book. That didn't surprise me, but what did surprise me, was when she pulled out her fancy custom made camera strap, and showed me the letters 'RS' embossed in the leather. Why? Why would she choose to use those letters?
In Freedom's Captive, those are the letters branded onto James's face to tell everyone he's a runaway slave.
In the book, James struggles with the shame of the letters branded onto his cheek. The shame of his past, the embarrassment of the stares, and the constant reminder of who he was.
But after he finds true freedom, and comes to know God's forgiveness, he chose to let the letters stand for something else.
Instead of being defined by being a runaway slave, he let the letters stand for his new identity. Redeemed Sinner. When the shame came back, he allowed the memories to remind him of what Christ had done in his life.
We all have shame in our lives. Most of us don't walk around with a brand on our cheek for the world to see, but we all have those little reminders in our lives. The reminders of the painful times. The reminders of our guilt. The reminders of who we used to be.
Instead of letting the past hold you back, choose to let those painful memories remind you of what God's done in your life, and where God's leading you.
I was so blessed to chat with this reader, and seeing that camera strap with the letters RS on it, from my book, was a reminder to me that the most painful things in life, often lead to our greatest potential. The Runaway Slave can become the Redeemed Sinner. Whatever shame or pain you're living with, choose to let those letters be a reminder of what Christ has, and is doing in your life.

And, I've been working with our church young people on a one-act-play. It's a little small for me, but I think this casket will be a great prop!
In other news, I've been busy with all the usual stuff. Taxes, a dentist appointment, making a will, writing, working at the coffee shop, and overall staying busy.
May 2nd-3rd, I'll be in Sioux Falls, SD for the CHCSD convention.
May 16th-17th, I'll be in Duluth, MN for the MACHE convention.
So, book your calendars, and stop by!
Then, this week, I'm heading to Florida and Alabama for a writer's conference!
And there you have it, a brief recap of the past two months.