Wednesday, May 23, 2018

I'm Leaving Again.

   As many of you know, I'm going back to work at Northland Camp again this summer. Last spring, before I left, I wrote up blog posts for the summer, so that even if I didn't get a chance to go online, I could still have a blog post come out every week. Well, I didn't do that this year. So, while I still intend to post once a week, even from camp, there are several things that could stop it.
      One - there isn't much internet connection at camp, and I'm normally only able to use it on the weekends. Two - Sometimes, my weekends are too busy to write blog posts. Three - Well, I don't have a third reason, but something could come up and keep me from posting.
      So, basically, I'll be trying to post every Saturday or Sunday, but if I don't . . . I ask for forgiveness in advance. For those of you who've worked at camps, you know how crazy it can be!

       The main things I'd like prayer for are, safety for everyone there, health among us staff, and God's will to be done. Hopefully, we'll see many young people come to Christ through this ministry, and that there will be much spiritual growth. I appreciate your prayers for my sister and I as we help out.

      Also, if you would like to pray for safe travels as Hosanna and I drive out there, that would be great!

        This picture is from my trip to SD. My cousin was driving, and we're going along the interstate at a normal speed, and I look at his speedometer and  . . .

Either he's spent too much time in Canada, or he was trying to scare me, but it took me a while to figure out that he'd switched the car to kilometers instead of miles per hour!!! I thought the speedometer was broken!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

NANO re-cap.

  For those of you who are wondering how April NANO camp finished up, here are my stats.

GOAL - 50,000 words.
WORD COUNT AT THE END - 31,577 words.

So, no, I didn't finish. I had 18,423 words left to write. This was a little bit frustrating for me because I hate it when I don't make deadlines. But I have to remind myself that a year from now, I'm not going to care if I finished it or not. Sure, finishing a book in a month would be awesome, but sometimes, life happens, and we have to remember to keep the important things first. 
I leave NEXT Saturday for camp, and I won't return until Fall. I'm still unsure of which book I'll be working on next Fall, but I may go back and finish writing, The Secret In The Steeple, or I may work on something else. We'll see, but I do plan on finishing it someday.
Until next time, this is Priscilla J. Krahn, reminding you to stay thankful in ALL things!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Write Hard and Pray Harder!: A Miracle Mom . . .

I know that I shared this story last year, but in honor of my AMAZING Mom on Mother's Day, I'd like to share this post again.

     Write Hard and Pray Harder!: A Miracle Mom . . .:         Every mother makes sacrifices. But some mother’s go through more than others. This is the story of one of those mothers.       The...

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Last Week

I had a lot of fun going out with a friend, and then spending the afternoon with our church ladies at the Mother's Day Tea.

Sunday evening some of our church's young people did a music recital, and I had the opportunity to play. At first, I didn't want to, but I'm glad I did. With MANY people around me who are better on the piano, I don't very often play in front of people and I always get SO nervous. The crazy thing is, I don't even know why I'm nervous! I mean the worst thing that could happen, is that I could mess up, burst into tears and fall off the piano bench, but no matter how traumatic it could be, I'd probably look back at it and laugh. 
Anyways, Hosanna told me I was nervous because I haven't done it very much, and if I'd do it more, I would stop being nervous. While I'm sure that's true about my piano playing, I find it's ESPECIALLY true for sharing the gospel. When we haven't been sharing the gospel, we tend to get nervous about approaching people, but if we do it more, and rely on God for strength, it gets easier.

I always find it funny looking at pictures of me from when I was playing piano because I make the most ridiculous faces while I play! Sometimes I look mad, sometimes I look like I'm about to cry, and other times I look nearly asleep. This is actually one of the least embarrassing faces I've ever made while playing piano.

After the recital, Grandpa spoke a few words about doing things for the glory of God. Sometimes we think we have to wait till we're good at something in order to do it for God's glory, but even when we're not very 'accomplished' at a thing, God can still be glorified, if we choose to give Him the glory.

This weekend, I'll be attending the SD Homeschool convention, and if you think of it, I'd appreciate prayer for safe travels, and that we'd be able to be a blessing to the people we come in contact with.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Ministry Training

A few of them aren't in the picture, but this is most of my nieces and nephews. They're an AWESOME bunch, and I enjoy being the 'Crazy Aunt' or 'Auntie Silly,' as they call me.

This last weekend, we had ministry training. Basically, it's two days of training for VBS, our church's fair ministry, and sharing the gospel. We had a great group, and had a lot of fun. The theme was from Ephesians 6, with the armor of God.

We also did a bunch of 'one-on-one practice'. Here, I'm playing the part of an unsaved kid who wants to get saved, and Matt is showing me how to get saved.

In addition to all the basic 'sharing the gospel' training, we also were encouraged by hearing different people's testimonies, and some challenging devotionals about applying the armor of God.

The Bible says to  "Be ready ALWAYS to give an answer . . ." Are you prepared? If someone stopped you on the street and asked you why you're different, would you be able to share the gospel with them? Would they even notice a difference in you?

I commented to one of my cousins about how he didn't eat as much now that he is done growing. For the first time, it made sense to me why sometimes we quit growing spiritually, it's for the same reason, we stop growing physically. When we're growing, either physically, or spiritually, we're hungry. When we're not hungry for the Word of God, we quit growing spiritually. Whenever you catch yourself losing your appetite for the things of God, make sure you take the time to dig back in so that you can keep growing. It's been said . . . "The more you read the Word of God, the more you want to read it, and the less you read it, the less you want to read it." Let's make sure we're reading it more, and keeping our spiritual appetite strong so we can grow in Christ.